Digital Accessibility in Banking and Finance: Serving everyone is the key


Accessibility Experts


Documents Remediated



Stay out of legal trouble and litigation caused by accessibility compliance

Financial documents are often presented in the form of a PDF to ease distribution and ensure consistency. While PDFs may be convenient for many, they tend to be inaccessible to people with disabilities, many of whom rely on assistive technology. With ADA accessibility litigation on the rise, it’s crucial for banks and financial services companies to prioritize delivering accessible financial information to their customers, partners, and stakeholders.

DocumentA11Y can help you avoid costly accessibility penalties by complying with WCAG, Section 508 standards.

Our team at DocumentA11Y has worked with numerous financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, and mortgage companies, to remediate thousands of documents into compliance.

We can help you achieve your compliance goals

Our team can handle any type of financial document regardless of complexity and can deliver high-quality accessible documents that meet compliance standards such as the ADA, Section 508, WCAG, PDF U/A, and many more.

An infographic showing documenta11y logo in center surrounded by circles with compliance standard labels (clockwise) Section 508, W C A G, A C A, A O D A, E A A / E N, A D A, P D F / U A.

Our Capabilities

Document accessibility audit

Document Accessibility Audit

Document Remediation

Document Remediation Services

Image Alt Text Remediation

Alt Text for Images

Audio Video Transcription

Audio Video Transcription


Closed Captioning

Our Document Remediation Process



Allow users to upload files directly to their account or add links for transfer from third-party services.


Expert Review

Combine automated tools with expert reviewers for a thorough analysis of every document, checking for potential errors, alt-text, color contrast, and more.


Payment & Begin

Users can review their personalized quote and make a secure online payment. Once confirmed, our accessibility experts begin fixing errors and remediating your documents.


Project Delivery

Remediated documents are uploaded to the user’s account for download from the project dashboard.

Don't Wait. Upload your documents now!
Our Prices start at Just $4 per Page!